Hinson Chaplin is represented by ELITE Management located in Toronto. You can find more information on HINSON at Elite Management.
Honestly, most of photography has everything to do with the photographer and not the model necessarily.
The quote above already says a lot about the character of Hinson Chaplin. I remember first seeing Hinson in an Instagram post several years ago. She had this unique look that was elegant and, at the same time, uncomplicated and I immediately knew I wanted to work with her. I put together an editorial for Chloe Magazine entitled HANNALEI and cast Hinson in the shoot. Although she had the most sailing experience out of the whole team, the irony would have it that she ended up getting seasick during the shoot! Like a true professional she managed to get through it and we finished the shoot. Hinson and I also shot the fashion video for the Chloe editorial and Hinson played the lost wanderer, HANNALEI, perfectly. About a month later we shot another editorial, HINSON, for Elegant Magazine which was a creative project I put together. Loosely based on some ideas I had, we shot near Hinson’s family property in Cambridge. The photos were provocative, her natural beauty undeniable and her trust inspiring.
I approached Hinson again in the fall of last year with the thought of shooting for my ORGANIQUE Series. She immediately accepted and I also took the opportunity to interview her for B-CUP BEAUTY as well. This is an extended interview where you will find a self-assured, articulate young woman who is destined to be a successful entrepreneur. As part of that interview, Hinson and I filmed a tour of her recent design project and a glimpse into her new business CHAPLIN DESIGN CO. Hit the link below.
Hinson remains both inspiration and muse.